crap! It's a huge update! With new Firefly fic!
And a shiny new email address. And also a bit of retrofit. It's basic,
but it's updated. Shiny. Also, I added a page for Stargate SG-1. It's here. The Enterprise, Andromeda, Vampire High and Other pages have not been updated. I may do that eventually (to reflect my new, actual email address). But right now, it's only the Firefly and Stargate sections that are actively being updated. August 2, 2006
New Battlestar Galactica fic Peacemaker
Helo/Tyrol NC-17 Summary: Helo plays peacemaker. 20k August 2, 2006 Instinct and the Unknown Lee/Kara, Sharon/Kara PG Summary: WWII AU. 16k August 2, 2006 Sharon/Starbuck
Summary: The kiss is hard, fast, and over almost before Sharon knows what happened. 20k August 2, 2006 Six, Leoben
Summary: Stargate SG-1/BSG
August 2, 2006
Gaeta POV
Summary: New Caprica has been
settled before.
August 2, 2006
Gaeta POV
Summary: Pirate crackfic.
August 2, 2006
Gaeta, Seelix, Billy, Dee
Summary: Refugee integration.
August 2, 2006
Summary: They never kiss.
August 2, 2006
Hera, Sharon, Helo, Starbuck,
Tyrol, Baltar
Summary: How might Hera grow up?
AU snapshots.
August 2, 2006
Starbuck, Sharon, Helo, Tyrol
Summary: Kara smiles, but it feels
like she's frowing.
August 2, 2006
April 16th, 2006:
New Battlestar Galactica fic
Helo, Tyrol, Boomer (in various combinations)
PG-13 Summary:It might not have worked that way in all timelines. AU snapshots. 12k April 13, 2006:
New Battlestar Galactic Section and Fic: Let Go
Helo/Tyrol; Helo/Boomer PG-13 Summary: Because there are days when all Karl can think about is the running. Notes: Spoilers up to Resurrection Ship Part 1. 8k Should have seen it coming Helo/Tyrol NC-17 Summary: "Pull your shirt up." Notes: Takes place during Resurrection Ship Part 2. 12k New Firefly Fic: An
Arrangement of Parts
Jayne/Simon, NC-17 Against all odds, Simon and Jayne actually work well together. April 13, 2006 60K April 2, 2006 New Firefly Fic: Synchronal Jayne. PG-13-R. Something ain't right. 20K Eleven Ways Simon Tam Comes Out Simon. PG-13. Simon's gay. Really. 16K March 24, 2006 New Firefly fic: March 18, 2006 New Firefly fic uploaded: March 16, 2006 New Firefly fic uploaded: Cunning and Unbalanced Jayne, Simon. G. Jayne's looking for something different. Crack-esque. 12K Scent of Sulphur, Brush of Green Mal/Simon. PG-13. A new crisis wasn't in Mal's plan. 40K Happenstance. Thing. Occurrence. That's all. Jayne/Simon. PG-13. It's never going to happen again. Simon's serious this time. 20K Euphemisms of the Rich and Fancible Exhibitionist Jayne/Simon. PG. Usually the funny involves Jayne. Mal lives for those days. 12K |
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