In Ordinary Time (bookcover)
Art by Neevebrody for In Ordinary Time
DIMENSIONS: 1824 x 1102
RESOURCE(S) CREDIT: Greetings from and, an
invaluable resource, as well as various Photoshop tutorials
NOTES: When I finished the rough draft of In Ordinary Time, I knew that my
art had to be special; it couldn't be just good, or good enough. This is the
most ambitious project I've ever attempted. The piece has 58 layers, and I
hope the author will think it's as special as I do.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: I want to thank mischief5 for her art beta
skills, but most of all I want to thank the author for a fabulous story that
left such vivid pictures in my mind, and left me with the feeling that I had
experienced both the intense longing and concern and the loneliness and hope
in reaching out to connect with another human being. I can only hope that
this piece reflects some of those feelings and entices you to read the story
- you really don't want to miss it.